Introduction W ITH the rapid development of computer technology, it has becomefeasibleto calculateindustrial owswith the secondmoment closure model (RSM). However, few researchers applied RSM to simulate full three-dimensionalindustrial ows. One main dif culty is the numericalinstabilitywhenRSM is used.WhenRSM is applied to simulate three-dimensional ows on the nonstaggered grid, the decoupling dif culty between the Reynolds stresses and the mean velocities is frequently encountered.Because of this, the solution is often quite unstable. The staggered grid method is the practical way to overcome the checkerboard oscillation of pressure. When it is adopted in RSM, however, seven sets of grids are required for a full three-dimensional ow. Such simulations have been reported by Huang and Leschziner2 and Lin and Lu.3 Because the Reynolds-stress components are placed at staggered locations, this way is still not so stable. For example, Huang and Leschziner2 had to take some special measures to guarantee the convergenceof solution.Some authors4;5 addedanapparentviscosityin themomentum equations or de ned a new set of pseudoviscositycoef cients to stabilize the solution and got some progresses. However, these ways are quite complex when they are applied to a boundary- tted coordinates system. In thisNote a novelgrid arrangementsuitablefor the computation of turbulent ows usingRSM is developed.In this grid arrangement gridpointsforpressure,density,temperature,andReynoldsstresses, etc. are located at the centers of the control volumes, while grid points for mean velocities are placed at the corner points of the control volumes. Therefore, only two sets of grids are needed for a full three-dimensional ow. This grid method is called the quasistaggered grid method herein. For a two-dimensional case the grid arrangement is shown in Fig. 1a. Unit 1 is the inner control volume for pressure etc., and unit 2 is the inner control volume for mean velocities. Units 3 and 4 are the corresponding control volumes adjacent to a boundary. As the locations of mean velocities and Reynolds-stresscomponents are offset, the decouplingbetween the mean velocities and the Reynolds stresses can be avoided.Because only two sets of grids are used, the programming becomes simpler. To enhance the coupling between pressure and the mean velocities, a fourth-order pressure gradient formula at the cell face is used. For example, for the gradient in the x direction the formula can be written as
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