This paper explores the interior configuration of various charged anisotropic compact models within the framework of f(R,T,RληTλη) gravity. The chosen model in this theory is represented by R+γRληTλη , where γ is a real-valued parameter. We adopt a static spherical metric to describe the interior of compact strange stars and derive the corresponding field equations. The solution to these equations is then obtained using the Finch-Skea metric and a linear equation of state. Taking the radius and mass of the compact star model 4U 1820-30 as a case study, we investigate the impact of charge and modified corrections on its internal distribution. The stability of the resulting model is also determined within a specific range of γ. Additionally, we determine the values of the model parameter through the vanishing radial pressure constraint, aligning with the experimental data of eight different stars. Our findings indicate that the resulting model adheres to the conditions necessary for physically relevant interiors, particularly in the case of lower charge.