Two artificial meteoroids made out of gabbro with a density of 3 g cm −3 with radii of 15 and 25 cm were isotropically irradiated with 600 MeV protons in order to simulate the production in meteoroids of cosmogonie nuclides by galactic cosmic ray protons. The depth dependent production of a wide range of radionuclides from target elements O, Mg, Al, Si, Ti, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Ba, Lu, and Au was measured. Furthermore, the production of He and Ne isotopes from Al, Mg, Si as well as from degassed meteoritic material was determined. Together with earlier results on an artificial meteoroid with a radius of 5 cm, and with data derived from thin-target experiments, the depth dependence of production rates is investigated for radii from 0 to 75 g cm −2. 60Co from Co shows the strongest size dependence; the center production rates differ by a factor of 100 for radii of 5 and 25 cm. Other low-energy products, like 58Co from Co and 24Na produced from Al, increase only up to a factor of 3.5 over the entire range of radii. For extreme high-energy products, in contrast, the center production rates decrease by up to a factor of 10. The observed depth profiles show a wide varity of shapes. Low-energy products have pronounced maxima in the center, high-energy products exhibit strong decreases from surface to center and, in between, essentially flat profiles are seen as well as such with a transition maximum. The spectra of primary protons and of secondary protons and neutrons in the artificial meteoroids were calculated using Monte Carlo techniques. The fluxes of secondary protons and neutrons depend strongly on depth and size, the spectral shapes being different for protons and neutrons. Calculating also the nucleon spectra which result from irradiation with real GCR p-spectra, the differences between simulation experiments and cosmic irradiation conditions are quantitatively described. On the basis of all these spectra and of thin-target excitation functions, production rates were calculated and compared with the experimental ones. The theoretical depth profiles allow to distinguish the different contributions of primary and secondary particles and to unravel the various production modes of cosmogenic nuclides in meteoroids. Our investigation shows that it is possible to model the production of residual nuclides in artificial meteoroids with excellent accuracy by thin-target calculations, provided that reliable thin-target excitation functions are at hand.
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