The evolution of an existing network to the new structure will require a phased migration strategy aimed at minimising capital expenditure during the transition phase, while reaping the benefits early on. Any action taken during this transition step should simplify the network's evolution to the NGN packet-switched architecture. This work conducted the study of the migration of PSTN networks to NGN Optical Fiber networks, its configuration and implementation of Smart AX MA5600T HUAWEI and C300M ZTE Shelfs MSANs solutions. Full Text: PDF ReferencesAtzwanger. Joachim, Multi-Service Access Node: Soft switches ITSF ROM, Telekom Austria (2009). DirectLink B. Handley, Multi-Service Access Nodes (MSANs): Gateways to Next-Generation Network (NGN), Fujitsu scientific & technical journal 42, 4, 432-438 (Oct 2006). DirectLink D. C. Eddine, Presentation MSAN type ZTE (MSG 5200 & C300M). DirectLink DSM-2128 IP DSLAM and MSAN (Multi Service Access Node), Smart solutions for smart networks (Sept 2018). DirectLink Huawei, MSAN MA5600T Basic Configuration, Issue 1-00 (2010). DirectLink Huawei, SmartAX MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T Multiservice Access Module: Commissioning and Configuration Guide V800R015C10, Issue 01 (2014-10-30). DirectLink Loïc. Debourdeau, Le Protocole SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), RFC2543. DirectLink Sennouni. Hassane, Implementation de la solution Dual Homing pour la diversification des liens Uplinks du MSAN MA5600T au sein du reseaux metro Ip d'IAM, Ecole Nationale des Sciences Appliquées- Tanger (2014). DirectLink ZTE, ZXA10 C300M, Configuration Manual (CLI) (2012-10-20). DirectLink
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