Complete mathematical models for the calculation of the flow and temperature fields of turbulent flames and their combustion chambers are still not available. They could be obtained from calculations of heat exchange, for instance, by nonluminiscent radiation, and a description of the turbulent flow field. The principle lack, at this time, is a method for computing turbulent exchange of momentum,mass, and heat. In the present paper, exchange coefficients for momentum, matter, and heat have been obtained by calculations and by measurements. Attempts have also been made to derive unmixedness values from turbulence-measurements data, since unmixedness, as well as exchange of matter, determines the reaction rate. Transport coefficients for momentum are derived both from time mean values of velocity and from the fluctuating velocity and turbulent microscale. Results of these calculations are in good agreement, the order of magnitude of the turbulent exchange coefficient for momentum was 10–30×10 −3 m 2 /sec. The coefficients increase in enclosed jets with the onset of the recirculation zone. They depend on nozzle diameter and flow velocity. In order to derive unmixedness from turbulence data, a relation between the rates of mixingand combustion is given that is based on the assumption that the combustion rate increases with turbulence intensity and decreases with turbulence scale. An empirical formula is given for the local unmixedness on the flame axis which covers the unmixedness data derived from mean concentrations, excepted in the first part of the jet where very special conditions exist which this formula cannot be expected to cover.
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