The program demonstrates to students in the Structural Analysis discipline of the Civil Engineering course how the Cross Process (Moment Distribution Method) works for continuous beams, visually showing the physical interpretation of the method associated with the calculations in the same way as they are done in calculation memory. In addition to the calculations, the program shows the structural model with the loads (uniformly distributed forces across each span), its deformation, and its bending moment diagram. The program, with open source code, was implemented in the Java language, based on the Object Oriented Programming paradigm OOP.The program for calculating continuous beams using the Cross Process has four canvases. It is on these canvases that the structural models, their diagrams, and their results will be drawn. The user can interact using the mouse to model the continuous beam, create new internal supports, remove internal supports, modify the dimensions of the spans, or modify the load values. The student can track the results by following the incremental analysis of the method step by step. Furthermore, the student can interfere in the iterative solution process by forcing the bending moment balance of any internal node in any order. All these procedures help the student to understand the analysis process. Well-documented source code is also an essential component for learning the method.
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