Pseudomonas putida PP3 expressed two dehalogenases, DehI and DehII. The DehI gene (dehI) was located on a mobile DNA element (DEH) which inserted at high frequencies into target plasmids from its chromosomal location. From a recombinant TOL plasmid (pWW0) containing a 6.0-kb DEH element inserted into the plasmid's 5.6-kb EcoRI-G restriction endonuclease fragment, an 11.6-kb EcoRI fragment was cloned. Subcloning analysis and insertion mutagenesis produced a structural map of the DEH element and located the dehalogenase functions. The gene dehI was transcribed from a regulated promoter on DEH which was expressed in P. putida and Escherichia coli. The direction of transcription of dehI was determined, and it was also found to be under positive control, activated by an adjacent regulatory gene (dehRI). Expression of dehI in clones containing the intact DEH supported good growth on 2-monochloropropionate (2MCPA). Subclones lacking dehRI expressed dehI at levels which allowed only slow growth on 2MCPA, even when dehI expression was initiated from vector promoters. Expression of dehI in P. putida containing the intact DEH element required rpoN, suggesting that it was omega 54 dependent. The intact DEH element transferred to P. putida on a suicide plasmid donor pAWT34 (pBR325 replicon), and dehI was stably inherited, without vector DNA sequences, in transformants selected on 2MCPA. This indicated that the cloned DEH element contained functions associated with recombination.
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