New approximate formulas are developed for accurately estimating the viscosity and thermal conductivity of dilute, polyatomic gas mixtures, which may include polar and nonpolar species. For the viscosity and the translational energy contribution to the thermal conductivity, the new formulas use well-known approximations for the required collision integrals in an analytic formula obtained from a single iteration of the preconditioned conjugate-gradient method for solving the linear transport equations. Unlike many approximate formulas, they are derived from a manifestly multicomponent solution of the transport equations and include, to lowest order, contributions from the off-diagonal elements of the transport property matrix. For polyatomic mixtures, the internal energy contribution to the thermal conductivity is obtained using the Hirschfelder ‐Eucken formalism or the Thijsse total-energy formalism. The new rules require the pure species viscosity, conductivity, molecular weight, specie c heats, and the Lennard ‐Jones or Stockmayer potential parameters and are easy to numerically evaluate.Bytheuseofalargeexperimentalviscosityandconductivitydatabasecoveringabroadrangeofmolecular weights, gas temperatures, and molar compositions, these rules were tested, and their predictions compared with those of the Wilke and Brokaw rules for viscosity and conductivity and the Mason ‐Saxena rule for conductivity. Thenewrulesperformbetterthan theWilkerules, havecomparableperformanceto theBrokawrulesand Mason ‐ Saxena conductivity rule for binary mixture data, and outperform the Wilke, Brokaw, and Mason ‐Saxena rules for multicomponent mixture data.
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