We calculate the contributions of the Kaluza–Klein (KK) modes to the K L – K S mass difference Δ M K , the parameter ε K , the B 0 d, s – B 0 d,s mixing mass differences Δ M d, s and rare decays K +→π +ν ν ̄ , K L→π 0ν ν ̄ , K L → μ + μ −, B→X s,dν ν ̄ and B s,d→μ μ ̄ in the Appelquist, Cheng and Dobrescu (ACD) model with one universal extra dimension. For the compactification scale 1/ R=200 GeV the KK effects in these processes are governed by a 17% enhancement of the Δ F=2 box diagram function S( x t ,1/ R) and by a 37% enhancement of the Z 0 penguin diagram function C( x t /1/ R) relative to their Standard Model (SM) values. This implies the suppressions of | V td | by 8%, of η ̄ by 11% and of the angle γ in the unitarity triangle by 10°. Δ M s is increased by 17%. Δ M K is essentially uneffected. All branching ratios considered in this paper are increased with a hierarchical structure of enhancements: K +→π +ν ν ̄ (16%) , K L→π 0ν ν ̄ (17%) , B→X dν ν ̄ (22%) , (K L→μ μ ̄ ) SD (38%) , B→X sν ν ̄ (44%) , B d→μ μ ̄ (46%) and B s→μ μ ̄ (72%) . For 1/ R=250 (300) GeV all these effects are decreased roughly by a factor of 1.5 (2.0). We emphasize that the GIM mechanism assures the convergence of the sum over the KK modes in the case of Z 0 penguin diagrams and we give the relevant Feynman rules for the five-dimensional ACD model. We also emphasize that a consistent calculation of branching ratios has to take into account the modifications in the values of the CKM parameters. As a byproduct we confirm the dominant O(g 2G F m t 4R 2) correction from the KK modes to the Z 0b b ̄ vertex calculated recently in the large m t limit.
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