ABSTRACT Unobserved heterogeneity causing overdispersion and the excessive number of zeros take a prominent place in the methodological development on count modeling. An insight into the mechanisms that induce heterogeneity is required for better understanding of the phenomenon of overdispersion. When the heterogeneity is sourced by the stochastic component of the model, the use of a heterogenous Poisson distribution for this part encounters as an elegant solution. Hierarchical design of the study is also responsible for the heterogeneity as the unobservable effects at various levels also contribute to the overdispersion. Zero-inflation, heterogeneity and multilevel nature in the count data present special challenges in their own respect, however the presence of all in one study adds more challenges to the modeling strategies. This study therefore is designed to merge the attractive features of the separate strand of the solutions in order to face such a comprehensive challenge. This study differs from the previous attempts by the choice of two recently developed heterogeneous distributions, namely Poisson–Lindley (PL) and Poisson–Ailamujia (PA) for the truncated part. Using generalized linear mixed modeling settings, predictive performances of the multilevel PL and PA models and their hurdle counterparts were assessed within a comprehensive simulation study in terms of bias, precision and accuracy measures. Multilevel models were applied to two separate real world examples for the assessment of practical implications of the new models proposed in this study.
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