Latin Cuengh is a low-resource dialect that is prevalent in select ethnic minority regions in China. This language presents unique challenges for intelligent research and preservation efforts, primarily due to its oral tradition and the limited availability of textual resources. Prior research has sought to bolster intelligent processing capabilities with regard to Latin Cuengh through data augmentation techniques leveraging scarce textual data, with modest success. In this study, we introduce an innovative multimodal seed data augmentation model designed to significantly enhance the intelligent recognition and comprehension of this dialect. After supplementing the pre-trained model with extensive speech data, we fine-tune its performance with a modest corpus of multilingual textual seed data, employing both Latin Cuengh and Chinese texts as bilingual seed data to enrich its multilingual properties. We then refine its parameters through a variety of downstream tasks. The proposed model achieves a commendable performance across both multi-classification and binary classification tasks, with its average accuracy and F1 measure increasing by more than 3%. Moreover, the model’s training efficiency is substantially ameliorated through strategic seed data augmentation. Our research provides insights into the informatization of low-resource languages and contributes to their dissemination and preservation.
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