The aim of research is to study the effect of introducing the selenium-containing additive Sel-Plex into the diet of dairy mares on the quality indicators of mare's milk as a raw material for the production of food products based on it. Objectives: to introduce a selenium-containing supplement into the horses’ diet; to determine the physicochemical quality indicators of mare’s milk; to determine the selenium content in the milk samples being studied, and the microelement and vitamin composition of the modified milk. The object of the study is mare's milk from dairy mares of the Bashkir breed. The mares received the main and modified diets. The main diet is based on generally accepted data, the modified diet is supplemented with the Sel-Plex preparation to the main diet at the rate of 1 g per 100 kg of live weight. Milk quality indicators were determined using standard methods accepted in research practice, focusing on TR CU 033/2013 and TR CU 021/2011. Titratable acidity was determined according to GOST 3624, mass fraction of protein – according to GOST 34354, fat – according to GOST 5867, density according to GOST 3625, SNF – according to GOST R 54761, lactose – according to GOST 34304, calcium – according to GOST R 55331, phosphorus – according to GOST 31980. The content of toxic elements and selenium was determined by atomic spectrometry, vitamins – by chromatographic methods. Data processing was carried out using generally accepted statistical methods. The use of biological modification of raw mare's milk contributed to the improvement of the qualitative composition of mare's milk. Milk obtained from animals receiving selenium in organic form was tested for vitamins, microelements, as well as physicochemical indicators. The selenium content in it increased by 36.83 % at the end of the experiment. Mare's milk enriched with selenium in organic form can be used as a raw material for the production of specialized products, including sports nutrition.
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