Previous articleNext article No AccessFocus on Academic AchievementThe Family's Influence on Achievement in Japan and the United StatesSusan D. Holloway, Bruce Fuller, Robert D. Hess, Hiroshi Azuma, Keiko Kashiwagi, and Kathleen GormanSusan D. Holloway Search for more articles by this author , Bruce Fuller Search for more articles by this author , Robert D. Hess Search for more articles by this author , Hiroshi Azuma Search for more articles by this author , Keiko Kashiwagi Search for more articles by this author , and Kathleen Gorman Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Comparative Education Review Volume 34, Number 2May, 1990 Sponsored by the Comparative and International Education Society Article DOI Views: 9Total views on this site Citations: 19Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1990 The Comparative and International Education SocietyPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Biao Gao, Zhen Li, Jun Yan The influence of social commerce on eco‐friendly consumer behavior: Technological and social roles, Journal of Consumer Behaviour 21, no.44 (Feb 2022): 653–672. Yu The stratification of higher education in the USA and Taiwan: a comparative analysis of students’ college-choice outcomes, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 49, no.55 (Apr 2018): 700–722. Park, Dong Gi Seo, Eric J. Moore, Byungkeon Kim What contributes to low achievement of middle school students: Evidence from multigroup structural equation modeling, The Journal of Educational Research 111, no.44 (Mar 2017): 404–416. Jane Pitkethly, Patrick W.C. Lau Reliability and validity of the short Hong Kong Chinese Self-Regulation of Learning Self-Report Scale (SRL-SRS-C), International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 14, no.33 (Mar 2015): 210–226. Lee Two Worlds of Private Tutoring: The Prevalence and Causes of After-School Mathematics Tutoring in Korea and the United States, Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education 109, no.55 (Feb 2022): 1207–1234. Landerholm, Cynthia Gehrie, Yi Hao Educating early childhood teachers for the global world, Early Child Development and Care 174, no.7-87-8 (Dec 2004): 593–606. K Letendre, Motoko Akiba Teacher Beliefs about Adolescent Development: Cultural and organizational impacts on Japanese and US middle school teachers' beliefs, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 31, no.22 (Jul 2010): 187–203. Hirsjärvi, Satu Perälä-Littunen Parental beliefs and their role in child-rearing, European Journal of Psychology of Education 16, no.11 (Mar 2001): 87–116. Mizuno Psychosocial Development and Moral Development: An Exploratory Comparison of Adolescents in Japan and America, Psychological Reports 84, no.11 (Aug 2016): 51–62. Morchida Kishimoto, , Brinquedo e brincadeira na educação infantil japonesa: proposta curricular dos anos 90, Educação & Sociedade 18, no.6060 (Dec 1997): 64–88. Muejeb Al‐Hamid* Schooling and Social Structure: Theoretical Perspectives, International Review of Sociology 6, no.22 (Jun 2010): 181–189. Landerholm Early Childhood Education in Japan and the United States: A Comparison of Regular Education (Kindergarten and Daycare Programs) and Special Education Programs∗, Early Child Development and Care 124, no.11 (Jan 1996): 33–47. M. Corse, Marian A. Robinson Cross-cultural measurement and new conceptions of culture: Measuring cultural capacities in Japanese and American preschools, Poetics 22, no.44 (Jun 1994): 313–325. Fuller, Prema Clarke Raising School Effects While Ignoring Culture? Local Conditions and the Influence of Classroom Tools, Rules, and Pedagogy, Review of Educational Research 64, no.11 (Jun 2016): 119–157. I. Cherian Gender, Socioeconomic Status, and Mathematics Achievement by Xhosa Children, Psychological Reports 73, no.3_part_13_part_1 (Mar 2020): 771–778. I. CHERIAN GENDER, SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS, AND MATHEMATICS ACHIEVEMENT BY XHOSA CHILDREN, Psychological Reports 73, no.33 (Dec 1993): 771–778. Davison School attainment and gender: Attitudes of Kenyan and Malawian parents toward educating girls, International Journal of Educational Development 13, no.44 (Oct 1993): 331–338. I. Cherian Parental Interest and Academic Achievement of Xhosa Children, Psychological Reports 69, no.11 (Sep 2016): 183–188. Iepen Cherian Parental Aspiration and Academic Achievement of Xhosa Children, Psychological Reports 68, no.22 (Aug 2016): 547–553.
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