Organic farming is considers as the medium and long term effect of agricultural interventions on the agro ecosystem. A scale has been developed for the study of attitude of organic famers towards PKVY. Attitude is a behavioural construct that cannot be measured by a single variable, hence there arise a need for developing a standardized instrument for its measurement. A method of Equal-Appearing Intervals was used to construct the attitude scale. A total of 60 attitude statements about PKVY scheme expressing varied degree of favourableness were collected and modified based on the Edward’s criteria. These statements were subjected to judge’s opinion by agricultural extension scientists of State Agricultural Universities and ICAR Research Institutes and field level extension workers. Based on expert’s response a standardized scale has been developed with 10 statements which are having universe of content, uniform distribution of scale values along the psychological continuum and high scale “S” values and lower Interquartile range “Q” values and more or less equal number of favourable and unfavourable attitude items. The selected statements were tested with validity and reliability.
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