Detailed meiotic studies were conducted on anther-derived haploids of Nicotiana otophora (n = 12) and N. tabacum (n = 24). At midpachytene stages the non-homologous chromosomes apparently remain unpaired. However, since the spreading of chromosomes at this stage was poor, the possible partial pairing, if any, between non-homologues could not be determined with certainty. One to two univalents rarely exhibited partial foldback pairing involving a single arm or the intercalary regions of the same chromosome. — At diakinesis the bivalent-like structures ranged from 0–2 in Otophora and 0–7 per cell in Tabacum haploids. The bivalent-like configurations (mostly rod types with chromatin connections of varying thickness) observed at meta-anaphase I varied from 0 to 1 and 0 to 5 per cell in haploids of Otophora and Tabacum respectively. The various types of secondary associations of univalents at meta-anaphase I were also studied in different haploids. — The probable origin and significance of bivalent-like configurations and secondary associations observed in Nicotiana haploids is briefly discussed. Based on our results, it is concluded that there is very little intra- or intergenomic pairing, if any, in Nicotiana haploids studied. — The meiotic behavior of chromosomes in doubled haploids (N. tabacum) obtained by leaf mid-rib culture, root culture and spontaneous chromosome doubling was remarkably regular with a stable chromosome number of 2n = 48. The meiotic stability of the doubled haploids permits using these materials directly in the breeding program.
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