최근의 방사선 피폭 선량을 조사하여 그 경각심을 일깨워주기 위함이다. 그 분석결과, K병원의 2008년도 평균피폭 선량은 <TEX>$0.75{\pm}0.26mSv$</TEX>, 2009년은 <TEX>$0.67{\pm}0.30mSv$</TEX>, 2010년은 <TEX>$0.92{\pm}0.33mSv$</TEX>였다. P병원은 2008년이 <TEX>$0.43{\pm}0.13mSv$</TEX>, 2009년 <TEX>$0.43{\pm}0.20mSv$</TEX>, 2010년이 <TEX>$0.33{\pm}0.85mSv$</TEX>로 나타났으며, 연령별 평균 피폭선량은 K병원의 20대가 13.39mSv, 30대 8.37mSv, 40대 1.19mSv, 50대 0.28mSv, 60대 0.32mSv로 나타났고 P병원은 20대 0.33mSv, 30대 1.41mSv, 40대 0.83mSv, 50대 1.66mSv, 60대 1.12mSv 였다. 또한 3년간 피폭선량의 평균을 성별로 나누어서 나타냈는데 K병원에서 남자의 피폭선량은 <TEX>$2.92{\pm}1.03mSv$</TEX>, 여자의 피폭선량은 <TEX>$0.94{\pm}0.93mSv$</TEX>였다. P병원에서의 남자의 피폭 선량은 <TEX>$0.66{\pm}0.18mSv$</TEX>이고 여자는 <TEX>$1.80{\pm}0.60mSv$</TEX>로 나타났다. 방사선을 취급하는 과별로 받는 년간 평균 피폭 선량은 영상의학과 <TEX>$1.65{\pm}1.54mSv$</TEX>, 방사선종양학과 <TEX>$1.17{\pm}0.82mSv$</TEX>, 핵의학과 <TEX>$1.79{\pm}1.42mSv$</TEX>, 기타 <TEX>$0.99{\pm}0.51mSv$</TEX>였으며 상대적으로 저선량율 에너지를 사용하는 핵의학과에서 다른 과와 비교해서 방사선 피폭이 높게 나타났으며(p<0.05), 핵의학과내에서는 특히 동위원소 조작실과 주입실의 년간 평균 피폭량이 <TEX>$3.69{\pm}1.81mSv$</TEX>으로 많은 피폭을 받고 있었다(p<0.01). 직종별 연평균 피폭선량은 의사 <TEX>$1.75{\pm}1.17mSv$</TEX>, 방사선사 <TEX>$1.60{\pm}1.39mSv$</TEX>, 간호사 <TEX>$0.93{\pm}0.35mSv$</TEX>, 기타 <TEX>$1.00{\pm}0.3mSv$</TEX>로 의사와 방사선사가 다른 직종에 비해 높게 나타났다(p<0.05). 방사선 작업 종사자에 대한 피폭측정 및 평가가 철저히 이루어져 피폭 가능성을 줄이는데 관심과 주의가 필요하며 누적 선량을 최소화하여 방사선 작업 종사자의 건강을 유지하고 증진 시켜야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the dose of radiation exposure to radiation-related workers in a hospital setting, thus increasing awareness of the health risk to the radiation-related workers. The result of the analysis showed the average dose of radiation exposure to radiation-related workers in hospital K was <TEX>$0.75{\pm}0.26mSv$</TEX> in 2008, <TEX>$0.67{\pm}0.30mSv$</TEX> in 2009, and <TEX>$0.92{\pm}0.33mSv$</TEX> in 2010. The average dose of radiation exposure in hospital P was <TEX>$0.43{\pm}0.13mSv$</TEX> in 2008, <TEX>$0.43{\pm}0.20mSv$</TEX> in 2009, and <TEX>$0.33{\pm}0.85mSv$</TEX> in 2010. The average dose of radiation exposure in hospital K by age group was 13.39mSv for age 20 to 29, 8.37mSv for age 30 to 39, 1.19mSv for age 40 to 49, 0.28mSv for age 50 to 59, and 0.32mSv for age 60 to 69 The average dose of radiation exposure in hospital P by age group was 0.33mSv for age 20 to 29, 1.41mSv for age 30 to 39, 0.83mSv for age 40 to 49, 1.66mSv for age 50 to 59, and 1.12mSv for age 60 to 69. Moreover, the average radiation exposure to radiation-related workers over 3 year period by gender group in hospital K was <TEX>$2.92{\pm}1.03mSv$</TEX> for male group and <TEX>$0.94{\pm}0.93mSv$</TEX> for female group. The average radiation exposure over 3 year period by gender group in hospital P was <TEX>$0.66{\pm}0.18mSv$</TEX> for male group and <TEX>$1.80{\pm}0.60mSv$</TEX> for female group. Persons working in diagnostic radiology department received mean of <TEX>$1.65{\pm}1.54mSv/year$</TEX>, mean <TEX>$1.17{\pm}0.82mSv/year$</TEX> in radiation oncology, mean <TEX>$1.79{\pm}1.42mSv/year$</TEX> at nuclear medicine department and mean <TEX>$0.99{\pm}0.51mSv/year$</TEX> at other departments. Radiation exposure was higher than that of other departments(p<0.05). Doctors and technologists received higher radiation exposure (mean <TEX>$1.75{\pm}1.17mSv/year$</TEX>, <TEX>$1.60{\pm}1.39mSv/year$</TEX> each) than other workers(p<0.05). Measurement and evaluation of radiation exposure in radiation-related workers should be widely conducted accurately and consistently in the radiation-related occupational setting so that people in these occupational settings are more aware of the risk from radiation exposure, and thus give more attention and caution to decrease radiation exposure. It would be essential to minimize accumulated radiation dose in the radiation-related occupational setting in order to maintain and improve the health of radiation-related workers.
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