1. Introduction The interest in thermal investigations of bio- polymers in solution has greatly increased recent- ly. This is connected firstly with the rise of a number of problems in the physico-chemistry of macromolecular solutions, the solution of which requires direct data on thermal effects of tem- perature variation, and, secondly, by the increase of technical possibilities in this field and the appearance of a new measuring technique - scan- ning microcalorimetry. Though the possibilities of modern scanning microcalorimetry are still insufficiently known, since only a limited number of laboratories have had the equipment at their disposal and the published reviews [l-8] were too laconic, the possibility of direct measurement of the most important thermodynamic parameters - heat capacity, enthalpy and entropy as a function of temperature, the most fundamental physical vari- able, is, naturally, attractive. Primarily it is of interest to those dealing directly or indirectly with the problems of intramolecular cooperative transformations of biopolymers, the stability of their space structures and the intramolecular in- teractions, and interactions with the solvent which ultimately determine the structures and structural transformations of biopolymers in solu- tion. The aim of this review is to explain the principle of scanning microcalorimetry and to outline its practical possibilities. To this end we have summarized all the main results obtained up to now in thermal studies of individual macro- s140 molecules in solution. Therefore, a whole range of other studies such as thermal investigations of dry preparations [9,10], thermal investigations of the solvent state in solution [ 1 l-131 are not included. The difficulty is that the study of thermal properties of individual macromolecules in solu- tion and of the processes related to their intra- molecular transformations must be carried out on diluted solutions (<l%) in which the effects of intermacromolecular interactions are negligible. However, in such solutions the measured heat effects themselves are very small, especially against the background of the heat continuously introduced into the system. Thus, the heat capacity of a biopolymer in 0.3% solution is only a one thousandth part of the total heat capacity of the solution. Therefore, superprecise methods of heat capacity determination. over a wide temperature range are necessary. The diffi- culty is, however, aggravated by the fact that even very dilute solutions of biopolymers have a high viscosity change with temperature. This com- pletely excluded the use precise calori- meters usually used for measuring the heat capac- ity of liquids (see [14] ), since stirring was obli- gatory in such equipment. With solutions of high and inconstant viscosity this led to undeter- minable thermal effects which considerably ex- ceed the thermal effect to be determined, The first measurement of heat connected with macromolecular transformations in solutions - gelatin gel melting - was made in 1962 [ 151 with a specially elaborated vacuum adiabatic ab-
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