The caterpillars of this codling moth can damage up to 90% of fruits during mass reproduction. Changing weather conditions contribute to increasing the harmfulness of the primary pest of the apple tree. The research was carried out to select modern plant protection products with high biological efficiency to control codling moths and increase the productivity of the apple orchard. The research was carried out in the I.V. Michurin Federal Scientific Centre apple orchard. We studied the efficiency of plant protection products on apple cultivars immune to scab: ‘Akademik Kazakov,’ ‘Vympel,’ ‘Bylina,’ ‘Rozhdestvenskoye,’ ‘Fregat.’ The efficiency of these preparations was studied with low application rates to reduce the fruit damages by codling moth. The values of fruit damage in control without treatment during the years of the research as the result of vital pest activity: Generation 1: 4.9-17.8%; Generation 2: 5.4-16.3%. In the experiment treatment, Generation 1 damaged 0.24-1.50%, and Generation 2 injured 0.36-1.60% of fruits. The biological efficiency of the experimental treatment was high and reached controlling Generation 1: 91.0-98.5%, Generation 2: 90.0-96.0%. The average yield in the experimental treatment was 29.4 kg tree−1 with a share of first-grade fruits 85-90% (2019) and 39.4 kg tree−1, 90-91% (2020).
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