<p class="Abstract">In the gravity method, information about mass density value is very important because it will influence the characteristic of the 1-D gravity acceleration graph. However, it is quite difficult to guess the mass density value so that is suitable to the 1-D acceleration graph. This is called “a priori” information. Trial and error way is one way to solve this problem. It is a very random value guess also. To make sure that the initial guess of mass density is a good parameter, Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) can be used. It generates many possibilities from the guess value and then these possibilities will be selected to the best one by likelihood way. The validation is expressed by the random graph as a consequence of the iteration number step of the possibilities. This research is started by using certain values of mass density to create a synthetic model for the field data in Banggai Sula because the area has a complex geology. The synthetic model is used because the gravity forward modelling equation has the sinusoidal form. After Bayesian MCMC is applied to the initial mass density value, it will produce a new mass density value or the estimation value with its response to the 1-D gravity acceleration synthetic graph. Finally, this information will be very useful to create the 2D or 3D inverse modelling in Gravity.</p>
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