Windward slopes of the inland mountain ranges in British Columbia support a unique inland temperate rainforest (ITR) ecosystem. Increasing fragmentation and the loss of old ITR stands have highlighted the need for determining conservation biology priorities among remaining old forest stands. We have addressed this issue by surveying foliose macrolichens within 53 old ITR stands in British Columbia's 135,000 ha very wet-cool interior-cedar hemlock (ICHvk2) biogeoclimatic subzone in the upper Fraser River watershed. Study plots were stratified by leading tree species and by “wet” versus “dry” relative soil moisture conditions. Other plot variables included: temperature, precipitation, incident solar loading, and canopy openness. Ordination plots showed a distinct assemblage of foliose cyanolichens, including Lobaria pulmonaria, Lobaria retigera, Sticta fuliginosa, Nephroma isidiosum, Nephroma occultum, and Pseudocyphellaria anomala, whose abundance was correlated with increasing relative soil moisture, temperature, canopy openness, precipitation, and basal area of spruce. Logistic regression models similarly identified relative soil moisture and temperature in all parsimonious models. Leading tree species, in combination with “wet” relative soil moisture and/or temperature, were important factors explaining the presence or absence of five ( Cavernularia hultenii, L. retigera, N. occultum, Platismatia norvegica, and Sticta oroborealis) of the eight modeled old-growth associate lichen species. This combination of conditions favouring the development of canopy lichen communities in old forests was best expressed in low elevation water receiving sites. We hypothesize that groundwater availability in these sites promotes species richness and abundance of canopy lichens by creating more favourable conditions for growth, and by reducing fire return intervals which allows for the accumulation of rare species over time. Historically, forests in these wet “toe-slope” positions were disproportionately targeted for logging. Their conservation should now be a high priority, given their disproportionate significance to maintaining canopy lichen diversity in the present-day landscapes.
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