NbRe-based superconducting thin films recently received relevant interest in the field of low-temperature electronics. However, for these materials the electrical conduction mechanisms, in particular in the normal state, still need to be investigated in more detail. Here, NbRe and NbReN films of different thicknesses have been deposited on two different substrates, namely monocrystalline Si and text {SiO}_2 buffered Si. The films were characterized by DC electrical transport measurements. Moreover, a connection with the charge carriers fluctuation processes has been made by analyzing the electrical noise generated in the normal state region. Despite the films morphology seems not to be affected by the substrate used, a lower noise level has been found for the ones grown on text {SiO}_2, in particular for NbReN. From this study it emerges that both NbRe and NbReN ultrathin films are of very good quality, as far as the low-temperature electrical noise and conduction are concerned, with noise levels competitive with NbN. These results may further support the proposal of using these materials in a nanowire form in the field of superconducting electronics.
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