The article is devoted to the problem of development and formation of the modern educational paradigm. New philosophical grounds for education are highlighted: formation of a new worldview in students; focus on the innovative nature of education; orientation of education towards the future. The modern educational paradigm is defined as a historical category, which is the result of a long-term process of transformation, with the following stages identified: traditional education (until the nineteenth century); education of the industrial period (the nineteenth century); development of humanistic pedagogy (the twentieth century); educational paradigm of the information period (late twentieth - early twenty-first century); modern educational paradigm (the twenty-first century). The following paradigms are characterised: traditionalist-conservative paradigm; technocratic paradigm of education; behaviourist (rationalist) paradigm; humanistic paradigm; «the concept of complete knowledge acquisition». The more modern educational paradigms include: cognitive paradigm, according to which the knowledge of the basics of science is based on thinking; the goal of the learning process is knowledge, skills and abilities, and the source of information is the teacher; personality-oriented paradigm is aimed at solving problems of creative development, activation of independent creative activity through problem-based, developmental, heuristic learning; cultural paradigm, according to which education is interpreted as a socio-cultural phenomenon determined by the level of development of science, education, art, and morality achieved by the society; an innovative paradigm which includes five models: 1) education as the basis for the formation of a scientific worldview, where science is defined as the main value and the ideal is an educated person; 2) education as professionalisation centred on applied sciences, training more specialists with applied knowledge; 3) education as the development of a culture of mental activity, logical thinking, development of a worldview; lifelong education, satisfaction of human needs for lifelong knowledge.
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