A whiskered screech-owl (Megascops trichopsis), the second smallest owl of the genus Megascops in Mexico, was admitted at the Wildlife Care Center of El Pedregal de San Angel Ecological Reserve. After performing the physical examination we found no pathologies, but the owl was not able to fly or to hunt successfully. Based on these we determined that the owl was candidate for rehabilitation for the purpose of reintroducing it to the wild. During the rehabilitation, short indoor, long outdoor and vertical flights were carried out. In addition, we offered different live preys to simulate hunting behavior. After rehabilitation, we take blood and fecal samples. Also, a complete ophthalmological examination was carried out. Before the release, a general physical evaluation was carried out where the owl showed an adequate weight (120 g). We did not find endoparasites, or alterations in the ophthalmological exam. The owl was alert and elusive, with no signs of habituation to human contact. Also, a successful flight and hunting behavior was observed. Their hematological values were within the optimal ranges reported for Megascops asio and Asio flammeus. This is the first report of hematological and biochemical values of this species.
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