Editorials1 February 1959RECENT ADVANCES IN THE STUDY OF MEASLES VIRUSF. R. MCCRUMB JR., M.D.F. R. MCCRUMB JR., M.D.Search for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Informationhttps://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-50-2-522 SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptMeasles was first transmitted artificially from man to man in 1758 by Home,1who exposed skin incisions of nonimmune volunteers to blood from patients ill with the disease. In 1905 Hektoen2injected fresh blood from patients with measles subcutaneously into two individuals who developed measles 11 and 13 days later, respectively. Susceptibility of species of the genusMacacawas established by the experiments of Goldberger and Anderson in 1911,3when they demonstrated that more than 50% of monkeys inoculated with blood and nasopharyngeal washings from patients with measles developed fever, catarrhal symptoms and exanthem. Transmission of this disease through six...1 Home F: Medical facts and experiments, Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle 28: 285, 1758. Google Scholar2 Hektoen L: Experimental measles, J. Infect. Dis. 2: 238-255, 1905. CrossrefGoogle Scholar3 GoldbergerAnderson JJE: An experimental demonstration of the presence of the virus of measles in the mixed buccal and nasal secretions, J. A. M. A. 57: 476-478, 1911a. CrossrefGoogle Scholar4 BlakeTrask FGJD: Studies on measles. I. Susceptibility of monkeys to the virus of measles, J. Exper. Med. 33: 385-412, 1921a. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar5 Plotz H: Culture "in vitro" du virus de la rougeole, Bull. Acad. de méd., Paris 119: 589-601, 1938. Google Scholar6 RakeShaffer GMF: Propagation of the agent of measles in the fertile hen's egg, Nature, London 144: 672-673, 1939. CrossrefGoogle Scholar7 EndersPeebles JFTC: Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopathogenic agents from patients with measles, Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med. 86: 277-286, 1954. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar8 CohenGordonRappMacaulayBuckley SMIFJCSM: Fluorescent antibody and complement-fixation tests of agents isolated in tissue culture from measles patients, Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med. 90: 118-122, 1955. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar9 RuckleRogers GKD: Studies with measles virus. II. Isolation of virus and immunologic studies in persons who have had the natural disease, J. Immunol. 78: 341-355, 1957. MedlineGoogle Scholar10 GirardiWarrenGoldmanJeffries AJJCB: Growth and CF antigenicity of measles virus in cells deriving from human heart, Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med. 98: 18-22, 1958. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar11 DekkingMcCarthy FK: Propagation of measles virus in human carcinoma cells, Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med. 93: 1-2, 1956. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar12 BlackReissigMelnick FMJL: Propagation of measles virus in a strain of human epidermoid cancer cells (Hep-2), Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med. 93: 107-108, 1956. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar13 FrankelWest JWMK: Cultivation of measles virus in a stable line of human amnion cells, Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med. 97: 741-742, 1958. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar14 FrankelBurnsteinWest JWTMK: Propagation of measles virus in tissue cultures of dog kidney cells (abstract), Federation Proc. 17: 551, 1958. Google Scholar15 EndersPeeblesMcCarthyMilovanovicMitusHolloway JFTCKMAA: Measles virus: a summary of experiments concerned with isolation, properties and behavior, Am. J. Pub. Health 47: 275-282, 1957. CrossrefGoogle Scholar16 KatzMilovanovicEnders SLMJF: Propagation of measles virus in cultures of chick embryo cells, Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med. 97: 23-29, 1958. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar17 KatzMedearisEnders SLDNJF: Experiences with a live attenuated measles virus (abstract), Am. J. Dis. Child. 96: 183-184, 1958. Google Scholar This content is PDF only. To continue reading please click on the PDF icon. Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAuthors: F. R. MCCRUMBJR., M.D.Affiliations: PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics 1 February 1959Volume 50, Issue 2Page: 522-526KeywordsBloodFeversMeasles ePublished: 1 December 2008 Issue Published: 1 February 1959 PDF downloadLoading ...
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