First, it is proven that the three main operator approaches to the quantum Liouville exponentials—that is the one of Gervais-Neveu (more recently developed further by Gervais), Braaten-Curtright-Ghandour-Thorn, and Otto-Weigt—are equivalent since they are related by simple basis transformations in the Fock space of the free field depending upon the zero-mode only. Second, the GN-G expressions for quantum Liouville exponentials, where the U q ( sl(2)) quantum-group structure is manifest, are shown to be given by q-binomial sums over powers of the chiral fields in the J = 1 2 representation. Third, the Liouville exponentials are expressed as operator tau functions, whose chiral expansion exhibits a q Gauss decomposition, which is the direct quantum analogue of the classical solution of Leznov and Saveliev. It involves q exponentials of quantum-group generators with group “parameters” equal to chiral components of the quantum metric. Fourth, we point out that the OPE of the J = 1 2 Liouville exponential provides the quantum version of the Hirota bilinear equation.
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