Wood science is a biological, chcnaical and physical science, which studies on lignified natural materials and thcir dcrivativcs. It providcs scientific basis for the techniques of the efficient use of ligneous materials and forest management Further research and development of wood science will encourage the rational processing and efficient use of tbrest resource, the creation and dcvclopmcnt of multi-function and quality wood products and ligneous material products, the improxemcnt of human beings living standard. It proves that wood science is closclv related with forest industry. Forcst industry consists of forest managcmcnt, the processing of Ibrcst product. multiple managc,nent and others. Among thosc, the processing of forest prodt,ct is the top first and essential one in forest industry. Its output valuc is about 77% of the total values of foresto' in the world, which is up to 91% in some dcvclopcd countrics. It is the gcncral tc,~dcncv that China's forcstry should pay attention to the future and the 21st century. China's forestry will keep on improving the techniques of living woods management, gradually realize intensive management, produce forest product with high quality and high appended valucs bv appl.ving nev,: processing and new equipment, to provide technical basis for the efficient use of forest resource. To meet tim next century, thc maior topics and some important items about China's ~ood scicncc in forestry' industry, arc as follows: Intensive Management and Quality Optimization of Wood In order to realize intensive management of woods. it is necessary to artificially choose seeds, cultivate seedlings and select sccd resources in the groxvth of woods. Some management methods and techniques such as thinning, pruning, weeding, fertilizing, irrigating. diseases, pests and rats preventing arc nccdcd. The main purpose of this research is to focus on both quantity and quality of wood through the growth and stand changing in planting forests. We aim at high quality and high yield woods by optimizing and improving techniques. We can grape the laws of wood quality variation of fast growing forests, high yield and short period industrial forests to predict the wood quality of plantations at early stage by analyzing wood quality in growth rings. The best rotation is dctcnni,led by the uses of wood. This rescarch is based on the laws of wood property variation and quality valuing, combi,fing forest management with wood processing and utilization. It plays an imporlant role the high quality, high yield and cfficicnt sustainable dcvelopmem of Chma's forestry. Etlicicnt Use of W o o d B a s e d Composite Materials Because of the changes of China's forcst resource structures, the exhausting of quality and large natural wood. the declining of the numbcr of countries and rcgions where could provide quality and large wood on international markets, the trend of the product constructions in China's forestLy industry is to develop the products from fast growing plantation wood, small wood. inferior wood. bamboo wood and others, so to replace the products solely depending on large natural wood More and morc problems about the timber size, low quality and efficiency are presenting because of the changing of raw materials. It is the cynosure throughout the world to increase thc value of wood by t, sing small and inferior wood. In the 21st ccntur3', xvood supplies will not meet the demands. It is ncccssar'y to create some ncx~ materials with quality, multi-function and high appended values to meet the demands of living and social dcvelopmcnt. Among which, the research and development of wood-based composite are important in realizing cfficient use of wood. Wood-based composites are divided into laminated composite, mixed composite and produced compositc according to the composting Ibrms of itself and xvith olhcr matcrials. The most
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