Research Article| February 01, 2005 Colorado Late Cenozoic Fault and Fold Database and Internet Map Server: User-Friendly Technology for Complex Information KAREN S. MORGAN; KAREN S. MORGAN 1Colorado Geological Survey, 1313 Sherman Street, Room 715, Denver, CO 80203 Search for other works by this author on: GSW Google Scholar GERALD J. PATTYN; GERALD J. PATTYN 2Farragut Systems, Inc., 1455 Dixon Avenue, Suite 310, Lafayette, CO 80026 Search for other works by this author on: GSW Google Scholar MATTHEW L. MORGAN MATTHEW L. MORGAN 3Colorado Geological Survey, 1313 Sherman Street, Room 715, Denver, CO 80203 Search for other works by this author on: GSW Google Scholar Environmental & Engineering Geoscience (2005) 11 (2): 155–162. Article history first online: 02 Mar 2017 Cite View This Citation Add to Citation Manager Share Icon Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn MailTo Tools Icon Tools Get Permissions Search Site Citation KAREN S. MORGAN, GERALD J. PATTYN, MATTHEW L. MORGAN; Colorado Late Cenozoic Fault and Fold Database and Internet Map Server: User-Friendly Technology for Complex Information. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 2005;; 11 (2): 155–162. doi: Download citation file: Ris (Zotero) Refmanager EasyBib Bookends Mendeley Papers EndNote RefWorks BibTex toolbar search Search Dropdown Menu toolbar search search input Search input auto suggest filter your search All ContentBy SocietyEnvironmental & Engineering Geoscience Search Advanced Search Abstract Internet mapping applications for geologic data allow simultaneous data delivery and collection, enabling quick data modification while efficiently supplying the end user with information. Utilizing Web-based technologies, the Colorado Geological Survey's Colorado Late Cenozoic Fault and Fold Database was transformed from a monothematic, nonspatial Microsoft Access database into a complex information set incorporating multiple data sources. The resulting user-friendly format supports easy analysis and browsing. The core of the application is the Microsoft Access database, which contains information compiled from available literature about faults and folds that are known or suspected to have moved during the late Cenozoic. The database contains nonspatial fields such as structure type, age, and rate of movement. Geographic locations of the fault and fold traces were compiled from previous studies at 1:250,000 scale to form a spatial database containing information such as length and strike. Integration of the two databases allowed both spatial and nonspatial information to be presented on the Internet as a single dataset ( The user-friendly interface enables users to view and query the data in an integrated manner, thus providing multiple ways to locate desired information. Retaining the digital data format also allows continuous data updating and quick delivery of newly acquired information. This dataset is a valuable resource to anyone interested in earthquake hazards and the activity of faults and folds in Colorado. Additional geologic hazard layers and imagery may aid in decision support and hazard evaluation. The up-to-date and customizable maps are invaluable tools for researchers or the public. You do not have access to this content, please speak to your institutional administrator if you feel you should have access.
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