Recent JT-60U experimental results towards the development of a steady-state advanced tokamak scenario are presented. The JT-60U experiments within the past two years emphasize the extension of the operation regimes and the development of active control for high bootstrap current fraction plasmas with a strong linkage between pressure and current profiles. Reduction of a toroidal magnetic field ripple by installing ferritic steel tiles decreases the fast ion loss and consequently enables one to access the new regimes due to an increase in net heating power. The decrease in the fast ion loss also contributes to access to the new regimes through confinement improvement attributed to the reduction of counter toroidal rotation. High βN (∼4.2) exceeding the no-wall ideal limit is achieved at li = 0.8–1 in the high βp ELMy H-mode plasmas with a weak positive shear at the large volume configuration close to the wall. The large volume configuration had so far suffered from the large toroidal field ripple. The value of βN reaches the ideal wall limit, where RWM is suppressed by the plasma rotation. Small critical rotation velocity about 0.3% of Alfvén velocity is found for suppressing RWM. High βN · HH98(y,2) of 2.2 with βN ∼ 2.3 and HH98(y,2) ∼ 1 is sustained for 23.1 s, significantly longer than the current diffusion time (∼12τR) in the high βp ELMy H-mode plasmas. This duration is extended to a time scale for enhancement of recycling owing to a decrease in the wall-pumping rate. Successful recycling and density control is demonstrated for ∼30 s in the enhanced recycling regime even with outgas from the wall by maximizing the divertor pumping rate in the high-density ELMy H-mode plasmas. With small effects of the toroidal field ripple reduction, the controllability is investigated in the reversed shear (RS) plasmas with a high bootstrap current fraction (fBS) of ∼0.7–1. It is difficult to sustain these plasmas using a feedback control scheme for global parameter such as stored energy and the duration is determined by the ideal limit or slow ITB degradation in the linkage of current and pressure profiles. Real time qmin control is demonstrated with MSE diagnostic and LHCD at fBS = 0.46 with the strong pressure and current profile linkage. Physics studies also progress towards burning plasma control. Semi-global change of the ITB structure is observed in both high βp mode and RS plasmas. Complete NTM suppression is demonstrated with misalignment of ECCD position less than about half of the island width. Fast ELM propagation to the main chamber wall is observed, and significant hydrogen retention in the main chamber wall is found. In the plasma-shadowed area underneath the divertor region, the averaged carbon deposition rate is significantly low, however the (H + D)/C retention rate is high (∼0.8).
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