Collisionless shocks are considered as one of the most efficient phenomena for the electron acceleration in space and astrophysical plasmas, yet the detailed acceleration process and heating mechanism remain unsolved. Various acceleration and heating mechanisms have so far been proposed and discussed to explain the spacecraft measurements in situ at Earth’s bow shock, involving the large-scale electromagnetic fields, plasma turbulence, and wave-particle interactions. A key element of the acceleration and heatingmechanisms is the spatial scale of the shock transition with respect to the gyro-radius of the electrons [1]. In the simplest picture, since the shock transition occurs on a spatial scale of ion gyro-radius, the electrons behave as magnetized at the shock transition. The cross-shock potential (electrostatic potential drop across the shock transition) plays two distinct roles in electron dynamics [2]. First, the cross-shock potential reduces a certain amount of the upstream flow kinetic energy (mostly carried by the ions due to their mass); Second, the kinetic energy is used to heat the electrons (DC heating). On the other hand, the electrons can also be scattered (or demagnetized) by high-amplitude, randomly-oscillating electromagnetic fields such as turbulence or strong inhomogeneities (AC heating). Space turbulence can potentially scatter the electrons randomly leaving upstream or downstream of the shock ramp region. For a quasiperpendicular shock, the electrons become scattered in a non-adiabatic sense perpendicular to the mean magnetic field (Figure 1). In this paper, the adiabaticity in collisionless shocks is addressed to the studies based on particlein-cell-simulation (PIC). Two important parameters enter a PIC simulation carried out for the study of a collisionless shock: the mass ratio mp/me between ions and electrons and the ratio of the electron plasma frequency to gyrofrequency ωpe/ce, see e.g., [3]. Due to the computational limitations, the usage of the realistic values for the both parameters is not yet possible. The common way to overcome this problem is to find a compromise for the two parameters that can mostly optimize the purpose of the study. The impact of using low frequency ratio of the electron plasma frequency to gyrofrequency in numerical simulations has been discussed in Krasnoselskikh et al. [4]: the electric field is considerably overestimated than it should be for a comparison with the Earth bow shock. Here, I address the question, “What is the consequence of using a smaller frequency ratio upon the adiabatic motion of the electrons”?
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