Previously the linearized stress tensor of a stationary Kerr black hole has been used to determine some of the values of gravitational couplings for a spinning black hole to linear order in the Riemann tensor in the action (worldline or quantum field theory). In particular, the couplings on operators containing derivative structures of the form (\U0001d446 ∙ ∇)\U0001d45b acting on the Riemann tensor were fixed, with \U0001d446\U0001d707 the spin vector of the black hole. In this paper we find that the Kerr solution determines all of the multipole moments in the sense of Dixon of a stationary spinning black hole and that these multipole moments determine all linear in \U0001d445 couplings. For example, additional couplings beyond the previously mentioned are fixed on operators containing derivative structures of the form \U0001d4462\U0001d45b(\U0001d45d ∙ ∇)2\U0001d45b acting on the Riemann tensor with \U0001d45d\U0001d707 the momentum vector of the black hole. These additional operators do not contribute to the three-point amplitude, and so do not contribute to the linearized stress tensor for a stationary black hole. However, we find that they do contribute to the Compton amplitude. Additionally, we derive formal expressions for the electromagnetic and gravitational Compton amplitudes of generic spinning bodies to all orders in spin in the worldline formalism and evaluated expressions for these amplitudes to \U0001d4aa(\U0001d4463) in electromagnetism and \U0001d4aa(\U0001d4465) in gravity.
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