WITH the establishment of the Linen and Cotton Industries Research Associations in England, and such institutes as the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut fur Faserstoffchemie in Germany, the number of “cellulose chemists” has increased considerably during the past few years, and many questions which have for too long been in doubt are beginning to show some prospect of solution. Indeed, so rapid are the advances in knowledge, that to workers actually engaged in this field a text-book has but little interest. There are, however, many reasons why a book should be written on cotton for the non-specialist scientific worker; first, to remove an impression that cellulose is a dull, inactive material only interesting in its technical applications, and secondly, to explain why those who do decide to experiment with it should supply precise information as to the origin of their material and the conditions of their tests when recording results. Cotton-Cellulose: its Chemistry and Technology. By A. J. Hall. Pp. 228. (London: Ernest Benn, Ltd., 1924.) 30s. net.
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