Edited by William B. Bean, M.D.* Philip Bondy, the present editor, and Mrs. Ellen R. Brainard of the editorial staff of the thirty-five-year-old<i>Journal of Clinical Investigation</i>have taken the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the parent organization, the American Society for Clinical Investigation, to review its history up to now and to search out the reasons for its formation and the purposes and ideals to which its founders dedicated themselves and its members subscribe. Those interested in the present explosive growth of medical research in the United States, who wonder if the forced feeding of this healthy but necessarily delicate plant will make it outgrow its essential nutritional elements of well-trained and imaginative investigators, will find this story fascinating. There is a tradition that the "Young Turks" arose because younger people in clinical medicine were dissatisfied with the Association of American Physicians. This group, "the"
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