Beachrock is a sedimentary rock that forms rapidly through the cementation of beach-associated clasts by calcium carbonate within the intertidal zone. On the southern coast of Israel, Holocene beachrock exposures typically appear as linear, shore-parallel platforms that dip seawards. In the archeological record, beachrock was exploited as a natural resource for various purposes, including the production of querns, millstones, basins, building stones, and other architectural elements. At Tel Yavne, a site continuously settled from the Chalcolithic period to the present day, excavations in the eastern and southern fringes revealed an extensive industrial compound dating to the Byzantine and early Islamic periods. This compound underscores the settlement’s economic and industrial prominence during those eras. Numerous beachrock artifacts were uncovered, and this study examines their practical applications while characterizing their composition and microstructure. This research highlights the role of beachrock as a key resource, providing insights into inland–coastal economic interactions in antiquity and broadening our understanding of its use within the socio-economic landscape of the region.
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