The 10 key characteristics (KCs) of carcinogens form the basis of a framework to identify, organize, and evaluate mechanistic evidence relevant to carcinogenic hazard identification. The 10 KCs are related to mechanisms by which carcinogens cause cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Monographs programme has successfully applied the KCs framework for the mechanistic evaluation of different types of exposures, including chemicals, metals, and complex exposures, such as environmental, occupational, or dietary exposures. The use of this framework has significantly enhanced the identification and organization of relevant mechanistic data, minimized bias in evaluations, and enriched the knowledge base regarding the mechanisms of known and suspected carcinogens. We sought to report the main outcomes of an IARC Scientific Workshop convened by the IARC to establish appropriate, transparent, and uniform application of the KCs in future IARC Monographs evaluations. A group of experts from different disciplines reviewed the IARC Monographs experience with the KCs of carcinogens, discussing three main themes: a) the interpretation of end points forming the evidence base for the KCs, b) the incorporation of data from novel assays on the KCs, and c) the integration of the mechanistic evidence as part of cancer hazard identification. The workshop participants assessed the relevance and the informativeness of multiple KCs-associated end points for the evaluation of mechanistic evidence in studies of exposed humans and experimental systems. Consensus was reached on how to enhance the use of in silico, molecular, and cellular high-output and high-throughput data. In addition, approaches to integrate evidence across the KCs and opportunities to improve methodologies of mechanistic evaluation of cancer hazards were explored. The findings described herein and in a forthcoming IARC technical report will support future working groups of experts in reporting and interpreting results under the KCs framework within the IARC Monographs or in other contexts.
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