Diffraction dissociation reactions can be expected to gain particular importance at high energies because of the asymptotic constancy of their cross-sections. In Regge theory such reactions go by Pomeranchuk exchange, for they involve no change in the internal quantum numbers (B, S, 1, G, etc.) of the dissociating particle. Whether there exist selection rules governing changes of spin and pari ty has been a controversial question, various rules having been proposed (1), in particular the empirical rule AP = (-1) AJ proposed by GRIBOV and ~r (2). This rule can be derived from Regge theory (3) for a spinless particle dissociating at 0 ~ and it follows (at all angles) from simple angular-momentum considerations on making a j e = 0 + assignment for a pomeron. When applied to baryons the rule A P = (--1) A: requires that diffractively produced I = 89 nucleon resonances must belong to the (~ natural ~> pari ty sequence 1+ a~ , 2 , 5+ 7-2 , 2 . . . . , i.e. P = (-1) J-~. Experiments (4) show peaks at about 1400, 1520, 1690 and 2190 MeV suggestive of known resonances in the vicinity of these masses having this sequence of quantum numbers, but in the absence of proper spin-parity analyses the evidence must be taken as inconclusive. Furthermore, simple angular-momentum arguments fail to exclude resonances of opposite (~ unnatura l ~>) parity, and as yet the rule has no theroetical foundation. The aim of this paper is to consider the pomeron (~ : I e = 0 +, J P = 0 +) exchange dissociation of a nucleon into a r:J~ final state
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