A diagrammatic method for the theory of magnetic and resistive properties of manganiteshas been applied. The Holstein double-exchange model for a narrow band with thestrong Hund’s rule coupling was studied. In parallel with the Lang–Firsov unitarytransformation of the zeroth Hamiltonian, we have realized the diagonalization of Hund’sHamiltonian neglecting the upper triplet. The diagram techniques taking intoaccount the quantum spin fluctuations of the lower quintet and hole state with spinS = 3/2 were developed. The magnetic structure of the ground state and an influence ofelectron–phonon interaction have been analysed using the first nonvanishing approximationof the perturbation theory. Since a simple self-consistent equation for the Green function islacking, the approximations for the effective interaction line with strong electron–phononcoupling were used. The influences of quantum fluctuations and electron–phononinteractions on magnetization, the Curie temperature and resistivity were investigated. Thecalculated temperature dependence of resistivity in the pure double-exchange model agreeswell with experimental data.
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