Abstract A common method for measuring the electromagnetic properties of superconductors is to measure their complex magnetic ac susceptibility χ as a function of freauency ω and amplitude H0 , with the temperature T and applied dc magnetic field Hdc a as parameters. The basic theory of the linear χ(ω)and nonlinear χ(H0 , ω) is outlined for various geometries, for example, discs, rings and strips of thin films or thicker platelets in a perpendicular magnetic field. It is shown how χ (ω) explicitly depends on the linear resistivity p ac(ω) = E/J or penetration depth Λac(ω), and how χ (H 0, ω) depends on the nonlinear current-voltage law E(J, B) where E(r), J(r) and B(r) are the local electric field, current density and induction respectively. The dependences of E(J, B) on T and on various material properties such as pinning forces or pinning energies, structural defects and granularity lead to an implicit dependence of χ on these parameters.
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