Abstract This study aims to improve students’ communication skills on renewable energy material through the application of the inquiry learning model at class XI public high school 109 Jakarta. The benefit of this research is as an innovation in learning physics through the inquiry learning model to improve students’ communication skills. This research methode used classroom action research which took place in two cycles with four stages in each cycle, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. The subjects of this study were class XI-3 students at public high school 109 Jakarta for the academic year 2022/2023 with a total of 36 students. At the time of applying the inquiry learning model cycle I: 33 (91.67%) students were able to communicate, and 3 (8.33%) students were less able to communicate with an average grade of 88.0. In cycle II: 36 (100%) students able to communicate in front of the class with an average grade of 91.2. The conclusion from this study is the implementation of the inquiry learning model can improve student’s communication skills on renewable energy material with N-gain score 0.37, categorized as Average.
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