Let K be a complete discrete valuation field of mixed characteristic (0,p) and G_K the absolute Galois group of K. In this paper, we will prove the p-adic monodromy theorem for p-adic representations of G_K without any assumption on the residue field of K, for example the finiteness of a p-basis of the residue field of K. The main point of the proof is a construction of (phi,G_K)-module Nrig^+(V) for a de Rham representation V, which is a generalization of Pierre Colmez' Nrig^+(V). In particular, our proof is essentially different from Kazuma Morita's proof in the case when the residue field admits a finite p-basis. We also give a few applications of the p-adic monodromy theorem, which are not mentioned in the literature. First, we prove a horizontal analogue of the p-adic monodromy theorem. Secondly, we prove an equivalence of categories between the category of horizontal de Rham representations of G_K and the category of de Rham representations of an absolute Galois group of the canonical subfield of K. Finally, we compute H^1 of some p-adic representations of G_K, which is a generalization of Osamu Hyodo's results.
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