Solving the problem of municipal waste management is based on determining the amount of generated waste. It is important to conduct research for both urban and rural settlements with different degrees of cov-erage of the population by a centralized system of collection and removal of household waste in order to ob-tain more reliable results.The purpose of the work is to improve methodological approaches to determining the norms of providing services for the transportation of municipal waste in populated areas.Analysis of literature data shows that there is no valid data on field measurements and their results, and there are no consistent forms of presentation of the obtained results. This makes it impossible to com-pare them and carry out a deeper analysis to identify the dependence of the calculated accumulation rates on the population and the level of coverage by the centralized collection system and transportation of municipal waste in cities, territorial communities and villages.This article presents field studies performed to determine the volume of municipal waste generation from the sources of its generation. On-site measurements were carried out on the territory Varas city territori-al community settlements.
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