VOLUME PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS $6, NUMBER 24 For a discussion of one-photon coherent effects, see, for example, L. Allen and J. H. Eberly, OPtical Reso- nance and Taboo-Leve/ Atoms (Wiley, New York, 1975). References to earlier NMR work can be found in A. Ab- ragam, The Principle of Nuclear Magnetism (Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, England, 1961). 'S. R. Hartman, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 4, 802 E. M. Belenov and I. A. Poluektov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 56, 1407 (1969) ISov. Phys. JETP 29, 754 (1969)]. M. Takatsuji, Phys. Rev. A ll, 619 (1975). R. G. Brewer and E. L. Hahn, Phys. Rev. A ll, 1614 D. Grischkowsky, M. M. T. Loy, and P. F. Liao, Phys. Rev. A 12, 2514 (1975). 7R. L. Shoemaker and R. G. Brewer, Phys. Rev. Lett. N. Tan-no, K. Yokoto, and H. Inaba, Phys. Rev. Observations 14 JvNz 1976 Lett. 29, 1211 (1972). M. Matsuoka, H. Nakatsuka, and J. Okada, Phys. Bev. A 12, 1062 (1975). P. F. Liao and J. E. Bjorkholm, Phys. Rev. Lett. L. S. Vasilenko, V. P. Chebotaev, and A. V. Shisha- ev, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 12, 161 (1970) [JETP Lett. 12, 113 (1970)j. W. K. Bischel, P. J. Kelly, and C. K. Rhodes, Phys. Rev. A 18, 1829 (1976). ~3F. Shimizu, J. Chem. Phys. 52, 8572 (1970). A. Gondhalekar, E. Holzhauer, and N. R. Hecken- berg, Phys. Lett. 46A, 229 (1979). Very useful infor- mation on the single-mode operation of the TEA laser has also been provided by R. L. Aggarwal, N. Lee, and C. Chase (private communication). D. Grischkowsky and M. M. T. Loy, Phys. Rev. A of Collective Ion Acceleration by a Relativistic Electron Beam in a Magnetic Cusp* C. W. Roberson, and N. Rostoker University of California, Irvine, California 9271 7 (Received 2 March 1976) S. Eckhouse, A. Fisher, S. Robertson, Physics Department, We have observed ion pulses of 10~3 protons by passing hollow relativistic electron beams through a magnetic cusp. Ion pulses are observed with drift-chamber fill pres- sures from 75 to 600 mTorr of H2. Magnetic fields of 0. 8 kG suppress the mechanism responsible for acceleration without magnetic field. A different mechanism appears to turn on and peaks as the cusp threshold is approached. More than 10~~ protons with en- ergies greater than 2 MeV are observed. In conventional particle accelerators, the elec- and magnetic fields at the particle are pro- duced externally and are subject to limitations imposed by V&B = 0 and V' ~ E = 0 in addition to the usual technical limitations of electrical break- down. In a collective accelerator the electromag- netic fieMs that accelerate a particle are internal and produced by many charged particles. The magnitude of the internal field is determined mainly by the beam density that can be achieved. The first observations of collectively acceler- ated ions with intense electron beams were in the experiment of Graybill and Uglum. ' They injected a 1. 6-MeV, 40-kA beam into a drift chamber filled with 200 mTorr of hydrogen and observed 100 A pf 5-MeV protons. The electric field was about 100 MV/m which is a factor of 10 greater than iri conventional accelerators. However, the acceleration took place over a distance of only 5 cm. In conventional accelerators the design and control of the fields at the particle is a highly developed science. In co11ective accelerators, tric since the fields are internal and created by many particles, the problem of design and control is still at a very early stage and involves much more complicated physics. One of the few meth- ods available for design and control of the elec- tron beam is the application of an externally pro- duced magentic field. In previous experiments this suppressed the co1lective acceleration. ' We report new experiments where collective accel- eration is enhanced by an external magnetic cusp. Collectively accelerated ions have been ob- served in a number of experiments' '0 when an intense beam is propagated through a low-pres- sure gas without an external magentic field. There has been considerable theoretica1 effort in The ex- conjunction with these experiments. perimental results are usually interpreted in terms of the acceleration of the space-charge we11 at the head of the beam as it breaks down the neutral gas or in terms of a localized pinch. Figure 1 is a sketch of the apparatus. The electron-beam generator produced a 1. 3-MeV,
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