Best management practices (BMPs) are effective in reducing nutrient and sediment export, but further understanding of the benefits of the stacked BMPs is needed. This catchment-scale study was established to evaluate the impact of hydrology and BMPs on phosphorus (P) and sediment losses. Two adjacent catchments, one with a lower level of BMP adoption (Low-BMP #11) and one with a higher level (High-BMP #12), were compared for total P (TP) and total suspended solids (TSS) export. The BMPs include nutrient management plans, reduced tillage, grassed waterways, terraces, and perennial vegetation. The TP event-flow-weighted (EFW) concentration was significantly higher at Low-BMP #11 (0.293mg L-1) than at High-BMP #12 (0.069mg L-1). There was no significant difference in TP base-flow-weighted (BFW) concentrations between Low-BMP #11 (0.035mg L-1) and High-BMP #12 (0.037mg L-1). The TSS-EFW (148.0vs. 18.6mg L-1) and TSS-BFW (13.3vs. 6.9mg L-1) concentrations were also higher at Low-BMP #11 than at High-BMP #12. High-BMP #12 had lower TP (0.36vs. 0.59kg ha-1yr-1) and TSS (253vs. 1,961kg ha-1yr-1) loading than Low-BMP #11. The lower TP export at High-BMP #12 was likely attributed to the effectiveness of stacked erosion control BMPs and nutrient management plans. Overall, lower P and sediment loading was observed when a greater areal extent of stacked practices was implemented at the catchment level. This finding provides vital information to encourage wider BMP adoption at the watershed scale.
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