Stress is Sudden Biological Change. It has become the curse of 21st century and is silent killer in the modem world. Stress is the greatest danger the information era. Stress is the priceless poison for human life in the universe. It can disturb any one's physical, mental, emotional and behavioral balance. Stress can damage different parts of human body from muscles from tissues organs and blood vessels. It can speed up pulse rate and respiration. It can raise blood pressure and body temperature. It can also interfere with the body metabolism, digestion, appetite, sleep, sexuality and even fertilityIndian scholars viewed the phenomenon of stress from various perspectives ranging from stimulus oriented responses and psychodynamic point of view. A comprehensive description of certain concepts which relate closely the modem concepts of stress can be found in traditional texts like Charak Sumlita..Yoga sutrar and Bhagavat Gita. Some of these, for example, are Dukha (pain / misery) Klrsu (afflictions) Kumu or trisna (desires) Atman and Ahumkara (self & ego). It is interesting note that the body - mind relationship, characteristic of modem stress studies, The holistic ancient Indian view of stress and management of stress are obtaining currency at international levels.Yoga is an ancient art that is defined as the union of the soul with God (Anand, 2000). It is a path of personal spiritual development that utilizes meditation bring enlightenment, self-realization, and, ultimately, the attainment of God and bliss (p. 109). Originally, the ultimate goal of yoga was called Samadhi, or self-realization (Iyengar, 2001).The word meditate comes from the Latin word meditari, which means, to think or reflect upon (Bonadonna, 2003). It is defined as simple mind-body technique that allows you gain unique state of restful awareness or alertness. Mindfulness meditation is the more difficult of the two (Bonadonna, 2003). It is defined as attempting awareness of the whole perceptual field. More than 2 million Americans have learned meditation over the past years (Bonadonna, 2003). Recent studies and evidence have demonstrated that such yoga practices are effective in reducing stress.Smith et al.,(2007) reported that Yoga was found be as effective as relaxation in reducing stress, anxiety and improving health status on seven domains of the SF-36. Yoga was more effective than relaxation in improving mental health.James et al. (2010) reported that improved mood and significantly Meditation training has become popular intervention for the prevention and treatment of stress-related diseases and for the management of stress. Manocha et al. (2011) Conduct study on A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Meditation for Work Stress, Anxiety and Depressed Mood in Full-Time Workers. Results show that There was significant improvement for the meditation group compared both the relaxation control and the wait-list groups.Hartfiel et al. (2011) results show that even short program of yoga is effective for enhancing emotional well-being and resilience stress in the workplace.Mohan et al. (2011) Report that significant increase in physiologic galvanic skin response (GSR), heart rate (HR), electromyography (EMG), sympathetic reactivity(GSR, EMG, HR, QTc/QS2) and psycho logic (acute stress questionnaire scores) maikers of stress. Meditation was associated with relaxation (significant decrease in GSR, EMG, QTc/QS2, and acute stress questionnaire scores). Meditation, if practiced before the stressful event, reduced the adverse effects of stress. Memoiy quotient significantly increased, whereas cortisol level decreased after both stress and meditatioa visual-choice reaction time (VCRT).showed no significant change.Cutshall et al. (2011)report that self-directed, computer-guided meditation training program is useful for stress reduction in hospital nurses, this pilot study suggest the feasibility and efficacy of biofeedback-assisted, self-directed, meditation training program help hospital nurses reduce their stress and anxiety. …
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