There have recently been published a number of papers reporting the deuterium quadrupole coupling constants (QCC) of small molecules dissolved in liquidcrystalline media (1-5). The results presented show, in many instances, wide variations in QCC values determined by different groups. These differences can be mainly attributed to the presence of different solvent-solute interactions in different liquid-crystal phases. Other causes of the range of values found arise from the difficulty in choosing appropriate bond lengths and making vibrational corrections to the dipolar couplings. Such uncertainties have led to some puzzling anomalies. For example, with the deuterohalomethanes, tribromomethane appears to have a considerably larger QCC than either trichloromethane or triiodomethane. These results have prompted us to determine the QCC values for deuterotrihalomethanes, C!HX3 (X = Cl, Br, or I), and dideuterodihalomethanes, C2H2X2, using solid-state deuterium quadrupole spin-echo techniques (6). Such measurements, at least for the di- and trihalomethanes, do not suffer so severely from uncertainties due to solvent effects, arising, for example, from the use of various liquid crystals containing aromatic and other more polar groups, or to uncertainties in bond lengths, vibrational averaging, and unknown electric field gradient asymmetry parameters. Spectra were obtained on a “home-built” spectrometer at 55.3 MHz using an 8.‘45 T, 3.0 in. bore Oxford Instruments (Qsney Mead, Oxford, U.K.) superconducting so’lenoid, a Nicolet (Madison, Wise.) 1180 computer and 1290 transient recorder, together with a variety of other digital and radiofrequency electronics. We also used a home-built solenoidal radiofrequency coil probe (sample volume -0.8 cm3), together with a quadrupole spin-echo sequence (6), for data acquisition. The 90” pulse width used was 3.3 ps. All samples (except [2H]triiodomethane) were obtained from Merck, Sharpe, and Dohme (Canada), and were used without further purification. [2H]Triiodomethane was prepared from [2H]trichloromethane and iodoethane, as reported in the literature (7). A typical experimental spectrum (displayed for the convenience of the reader as a “mirrored” on-resonance single-phase detected spectrum), together with its com
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