Interneurons involved in mediation and modulation of gill-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia. I. Identification and characterization.R D Hawkins, V F Castellucci, and E R KandelR D Hawkins, V F Castellucci, and E R KandelPublished Online:01 Feb 1981 (2 MB)Download PDF ToolsExport citationAdd to favoritesGet permissionsTrack citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInWeChat Previous Back to Top Next Download PDF FiguresReferencesRelatedInformation Cited BySomatotopic organization and functional properties of mechanosensory neurons expressing sensorin-A mRNA in Aplysia californica20 February 2004 | Journal of Comparative Neurology, Vol. 471, No. 2Neural Circuit of Tail-Elicited Siphon Withdrawal in Aplysia. II. Role of Gated Inhibition in Differential Lateralization of Sensitization and DishabituationAdam S. Bristol, Stéphane Marinesco, and Thomas J. Carew1 February 2004 | Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol. 91, No. 2The use of elevated divalent cation solutions to isolate monosynaptic components of sensorimotor connections in AplysiaJournal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol. 120, No. 1Molecular Mechanisms Underlying a Unique Intermediate Phase of Memory in AplysiaNeuron, Vol. 31, No. 1Cognitive Neuroscience and the Study of MemoryNeuron, Vol. 20, No. 3Activity-Dependent Potentiation of Synaptic Transmission From L30 Inhibitory Interneurons of Aplysia Depends on Residual Presynaptic Ca2+ But Not on Postsynaptic Ca2+Thomas M. Fischer, Robert S. Zucker, and Thomas J. Carew1 October 1997 | Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol. 78, No. 4Realistic Simulation of the Aplysia Siphon-Withdrawal Reflex Circuit: Roles of Circuit Elements in Producing Motor OutputJ. R. Lieb, and W. N. Frost1 March 1997 | Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol. 77, No. 3Differential modulation of chemical and electrical components of mixed synapses in the lobster stomatogastric ganglionJournal of Comparative Physiology A, Vol. 175, No. 2New neural multiprocess memory model for adaptively regulating associative learningNeural Networks, Vol. 7, No. 9Inhibitory neuron produces heterosynaptic inhibition of the sensory-to-motor neuron synapse inAplysiaBrain Research, Vol. 577, No. 1Learning and memoryBrain Research Reviews, Vol. 16, No. 2Immunocytochemical study of the postnatal development of 5-HT-containing neurons and fibers in the cerebroid ganglia of Cryptomphalus aspersaInternational Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, Vol. 6, No. 4Development of plastic mechanisms related to learning at identified chemical synaptic connections in AplysiaNeuroscience, Vol. 17, No. 2Imunocytochemical localization and direct assays of serotonin-containing neurons in AplysiaNeuroscience, Vol. 11, No. 3Distribution of serotonin-immunoreactivity in juvenile AplysiaNeuroscience, Vol. 11, No. 2Heterosynaptic facilitation and behavioral sensitization are inhibited by lowering endogenous cAMP inAplysiaBrain Research, Vol. 288, No. 1-2Uptake of [3H]serotonin in the abdominal ganglion ofAplysia california. Further studies on the morphological and biochemical basis of presynaptic facilitationBrain Research, Vol. 272, No. 1Computational modelling of learning and behaviour in small neuronal systems More from this issue > Volume 45Issue 2February 1981Pages 304-14 Published online 1 February 1981 Published in print 1 February 1981 Metrics
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