Since Domar and Musgrave (1944), the analysis of taxation and risktaking has been developed by Mossin (1968), Penner (1964), Richter (1960), Stiglitz (1969) and others, but all of these have treated the tax rate as a certain parameter. Ekern (1971), on the other hand, concentrated precisely on this point. He termed uncertainty about the rate of (proportional income) tax and, by defining a change in it in terms of a corresponding change in a dispersion measure of the probability distribution of the tax rate, examined the qualitative effect of a change in political risk on risk-taking (the demand for a risky asset) as well as several related problems. Unfortunately, however, his curiosity could not be satisfied in full generality, and he had to use the quadratic utility function (which is well known to be very anomalous in the theory of portfolio selection) as an individual's objective function in order to make his analysis determinate. However, if we recall the analyses of Rothschild and Stiglitz (1970, 1971), Hahn (1970) and Diamond and Stiglitz (1974), we can refine Ekern's analysis concerning the qualitative effect on risk-taking of a change in political risk in the following two points: (a) When the tax rate and the rate of return on the risky asset are assumed to be stochastically independent, a simple reinterpretation of the rate of return on the risky asset allows us to apply the analysis of Rothschild and Stiglitz (R-S hereafter) (1971, pp. 70-74) to the present problem in a straightforward manner. Consequently, we can enumerate a quite general set of sufficient conditions for the qualitative effect on risk-taking of a mean preserving change in political risk to become determinate, and for that purpose we need neither to use the special utility function nor to define a change in political risk in a specific form. Or more conclusively, we may assert from this that at least the part of Ekern's analysis concerning the qualitative effect on risk-taking of a mean preserving change in political risk is included in the case where uncertainty about the tax rate forms a part of uncertainty about the rate of return on the risky asset. (b) We can also sign the response of optimal risk-taking to an alternative, mean utility-preserving change in political risk according to Theorem 2 of Diamond and Stiglitz (1974, p. 343). (A mean utility-
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