ABSTRACT This paper analyses single server correlated batch arrival and correlated batch service queue with innumerable waiting space in discrete-time. The arrival and service processes are governed by discrete batch Markovian arrival process and discrete Markovian service process with general bulk service rule, respectively. Observing two consecutive random epochs, we construct general structure transition probability matrix and it is then reblocked to the desired M/G/1 structure. The UL-type RG-factorization approach combined with spectral expansion method is adopted to unravel the queue length distribution at random epoch. The relationships are undertaken to obtain the queue length distributions at pre-arrival, outside observer's, intermediate and post-departure epochs. Our most challenging effort is to derive the probability mass functions of waiting time and service batch size for arbitrary customer in an arriving batch. We address the warehouse management process for finished products from dealer to retailer as a potential practical use of our batch queue with correlation in both arrival and service, and provide the effect of our queueing behaviour in this application based on our analytical and computational investigation. Based on the implementation of parametrized numeric experiments with numerous categories, we impart our computational results to validate the analytical findings reported in this investigation.
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