Magnetoresistivity of A2VB3VI-based compounds has been investigated (H∼0÷89 kE, T=0,5÷4,2 K). Oscillation of magnetoresistivity, Shubnikov de Gaas oscillation has been observed at high magnetic fields (H>30 kE). The charge carrier concentration and area of extreme cross section of Fermi surface by plane, perpendicular to magnetic field have been evaluated from oscillation period.A52B63-based compounds are used as high effective thermoelectric transformers [1]. Recently, the interest to these compounds increases due to the perspectivities of widening of working temperature range and increase of thermoelectric efficiency of A52B63 compounds, doped by different impurities [2-6]. Therefore the investigation of fundamental characteristics of these compounds is not only extended our representation on band structure, also has a practical meaning.In the present work the results of investigations of galvanomagnetic effects in layered A52B63 compounds which have rhombohedral structure and crystallize in D3d (R÷m) [1], are given. The layers in A52B63 compounds consist of five monoatomic hexagonal grids alternating in sequence in B(1)-A-B(2)-A-B(1). Atom B(2) has 6 nearest atoms B(1). The bond between B(1)-A-B(2)-A-B(1) layers-quintets is of weak Van-der-Vaals type, but in layers of B(1)-A and A-B(2) bonds have covalent character with small fraction of ionic bond.Single crystals under investigation have been were grown by Bridgman method from components with stoichiometric relationship. It is known, that by synthesis of A52B63 compounds from the melt of stoichiometric structure are characterized by presence of a significant amount of own points defects conditioned by transition of A atoms into the position of B atoms. These antistructural defects are the acceptors. Concentration of holes is p∼1019cm-3. Investigations have been carried out in temperature range 0,5÷300K and magnetic field up to 8 Tl. At galvanomagnetic investigations the sample is placed in the centre of superconductive solenoid. Measurements are carried out by selective method under the alternating current by 20 Hz frequency. The current magnitude does not exceed 1MA. The current is directed along the layer plane, magnetic field is perpendicular to layer plane.
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