Gravity is important in the history of Earth 's formation and evolution. Gravitational accretion, gravitational differentiation of Earth matter by density. Gravitational accretion, gravity differentiation of the Earth 's substance in density, its movement and other processes deform the Earth 's crust, contribute to the formation in it of different scale, shape and metallogenical specialization of plicative and disjunctive structures, with which genetically and spatially related deposits of different minerals. The link between gravity and deformation of the geological medium is its density inhomogeneities. Their role is twofold: they are either formed by gravity stresses or are themselves sources of stress and strain. The method of studying the deformation of the geological medium by gravity is called tectonophysical analysis of the gravitational field. Its physical basis is two fundamental laws: the law of world gravity and the law on proportional dependence between stress and deformation. This method solves two problems.
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