The migration behavior of Polymeric Methyl Methacrylate (PMMA) nanoplastics in saturated porous media and unsaturated porous media is investigated under conditions of electrolytes in combination with organic acids. In the saturated porous media, the mass recovery rate of PMMA decreases with ionic strength. The inhibition effect of Ca2+ on PMMA transport is stronger than that of Na+. Under the conditions of the coexistence of electrolytes with humic acid (HA), increasing the concentration of HA does not consistently enhance PMMA migration in porous media. However, citric acid (CA) exerts solely an inhibitory effect on PMMA transport. The orthogonal analysis suggests that Ca2+ concentration is the major factor affecting PMMA transport. Extended Darjaguin-Landau-Verwe-Overbeek (XDLVO) interaction energy considering the heterogeneity of HA adsorption on PMMA is calculated to quantify the interactions of PMMA-PMMA and PMMA-quartz sand under different physiochemical conditions. In unsaturated porous media, gravity leads to the creation of dominant channels, and the shear force of water flow in porous media leads to the rapid passage of PMMA through the dominant channels. However, as the water content decreases, the recovery rate of PMMA decreases from 0.99 to 0.71. Significantly, the capillary energy of a colloid retained in a thin film or at the air-water-solid (AWS) interface is several orders of magnitude larger than the XDLVO interaction energy. Findings obtained by this study may improve the current understanding of the environmental fate of nanoplastics in subsurface environments and can provide scientific methods to assess the associated risk of nanoplastics.
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